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Oct 10, 2023
min read

October Patch Notes

It’s holiday season! We’re kicking things off with an upgrade to our product designer, more progress on our open API and webhooks, and a bunch of other fixes and improvements.
October Patch Notes

Upgrading the product design experience

Over the past few weeks we've been rolling out a new and improved product designer. While the rollout hasn't been completely smooth (we lost iPad support and we've seen a few bugs pop up), this is an important upgrade that will allow us to launch new products faster with even more unique and interesting customization options. You shouldn't notice too much of a difference, the overall interface is similar, but it should feel faster and smoother.

A few of the many improvements the new product design experience includes:

  1. Faster photography generation
  2. Ability to rearrange fabric/product colors
  3. Better thread color management for embroidery
  4. Support for more unique and interesting products (we’ve got a super cool new product launching next week 👀)

Check out this example of one of the cool upgrades in the new product designer, the ability to change embroidery thread colors and preview how the changes look live:

Short GIF animation showing a creator remapping embroidery thread colors on a hat

Webhooks and API improvements: Support for product creation/updating, memberships, donations, and giveaways

We expanded our open API and webhooks in a big way over the last month, with the addition of support for product creation and updating, memberships, donations, and giveaways. You can check out the updates at!

Example of a memberships webhook from
Example of a new memberships webhook

Show your recent membership posts on your homepage

Highlight your memberships content with our new Recent Posts section, which displays your three most recent posts on your homepage. Logged-in members will be able to see the actual posts while anyone who isn’t logged in as a member will see a preview.

This should improve the experience for your members, making it faster for them to get to new posts, as well as helping you promote your memberships by showing non-members what they’re missing.

GIF animation showing a creator adding the recent posts section to their homepage

ShipStation app: Making it easier to ship products yourself

If you use ShipStation to ship orders you’re handling yourself, we now have a ShipStation app! The app syncs your ShipStation account to your Fourthwall shop so that orders you receive will automatically show up in ShipStation for you to ship, and then tracking information from your ShipStation shipments is automatically synced back to Fourthwall to keep your supporters updated on their order status.

Screenshot of the new ShipStation app

New versions of digital products can now be sent out to all past buyers

When you update digital products you now have the ability to send the new file out to all your past buyers! This is a great way to send out updates or fixes quickly.

Agency Dashboard improvements: Analytics, improved branding, and payouts management

Last month we announced our new Agency Dashboard – which was designed to make it easy to manage lots of Fourthwall sites at once (for agencies, managers, designers, and others who work with lots of creators). We were calling this the Partner Dashboard, but it was creating some confusion with our creator partners and so we've decided to change the name to the Agency Dashboard going forward.

In September we shipped a few new improvements to the dashboard:

1. We added an analytics tab! You can now see analytics from all the Fourthwall sites you manage in a single place.

A screenshot of the analytics tab on the Agency Dashboard
A screenshot of the new analytics tab for the Agency Dashboard
Screenshot showing how you can filter by site on the Agency Dashboard
You can also filter by specific websites to see their profits

2. We added a small graph to the Websites tab that shows you your profit over the last 30 days, to make it easier to scan the sites you manage and see how they’ve been doing.

Screenshot showing the Websites tab of the Agency Dashboard, where there is a small graph per row that represents profit over the last 30 days.

3. You can now add a payout bank account to your Partner Dashboard, which can then be used as the default payout account for all the sites you create.

Screenshot showing how you can set up payouts in the Agency Dashboard
By clicking the "..." you can choose the payout settings

4. Your logo now shows up in the top left of your dashboard and you can also upload a dedicated square logo which will show up in the Teams tab of sites you manage

Check out the custom logo top left in the dashboard!
... and here's how your square logo shows up in creator's teams tabs

Default personalized favicons

We noticed that 36% of all Fourthwall sites didn’t have favicons uploaded (the tiny icon that appears next to the name in tabs), meaning we had to use a generic icon that wasn’t personalized.

The memberships team saw an opportunity to improve the experience and built out a new default system that uses the first letter of your site’s name as well as its primary color to create a semi-personalized favicon! Even though the membership team built this, it works across ecommerce and memberships.

How the auto-generated favicons look in the browser for a site called "Waves"

A closeup of an auto-generated favicon

Setting your site status in the mobile app

You can now set your site to Live or Coming Soon directly from the Android and iOS apps! We know many of you prefer to manage your site through our mobile apps and this functionality should make that even easier.

Screenshot from the Fourthwall for Creators Android app, showing how you can change your site status from the app.

View your sample credit in the iOS app

You can now view your sample budget in the iOS app – another step towards making your site fully manageable via the mobile apps.

Screenshot showing a creator using the Fourthwall for Creators iOS app and viewing their samples credit

That's a wrap for the October Patch Notes! While we shipped a lot of goodness this month, I can't tell you how excited I am for what's still to come in Q4. Some really exciting releases are comig up soon. Thanks for your support and, as always, please let us know if you have any questions or requests via X/Twitter @FourthwallHQ or via the Fourthwall Discord!

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