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Aug 15, 2023
min read

How to Make Money from a Podcast: 11 Ways

Elevate Your Podcasting Game: 11 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
An image of podcasters smiling

Podcasting is quickly becoming a popular form of content creation. This is a great way to share information, and grow or create a loyal fanbase. Podcasts allow creators and listeners to connect in a more intimate, conversational way. Listeners can tune in to their favorite podcasts anytime, anywhere, and creators can share their passion and insights on the topics that matter most to them. In this blog, we’ll help you explore the potential of podcasting as a money-making medium, and provide 11 ways to monetize a podcast.

Can You Make Money From Podcasts?

YES, you can absolutely make money podcasting. Here are some examples of extremely successful podcaster earnings:

While these are some of the highest-performing podcasts, success like this will require effort, patience, and a dedicated approach to building your podcast and personal brand. Monetizing a podcast goes hand in hand with building a strong relationship with your audience, providing high-quality content, and creating a brand that resonates with your listeners. It might take time for a podcast to generate significant income, but with consistent hard work, it's possible to make a steady income. 

When Should I Start Thinking About Monetizing My Podcast?

If you're a creator passionate about your content and want to build a sustainable income stream from your podcast, you may be wondering when is the right time to monetize your podcast. The answer is: It depends. Some creators choose to monetize their podcasts from day one, while others prefer building their audience before considering monetization. Here are five factors to keep in mind when deciding to monetize your podcast:

1. Content Quality

One of the most important factors in monetizing your podcast is having high-quality content. Your listeners will only stick around and continue to support your podcast if they feel they're getting something valuable out of it.

2. Community Loyalty

You’ll need a dedicated and engaged community to help you monetize your podcast. This means developing a loyal following that you can tap into by offering products or services they're interested in buying. While there’s no exact number for this, we suggest waiting until you’re consistently getting 1000 or more listeners.

3. Timing

While some podcasters jump straight into monetization, it's often best to wait until your podcast has gained some traction before trying to monetize it. Waiting until you have an established listener base will make it easier on you and more palatable for your audience when you begin your monetization strategy - which will ultimately increase your opportunity for success. 

4. Measurement

Finally, you need to understand how to measure the success of your monetization efforts. This means tracking your revenue and expenses, tracking audience engagement and listenership, and continually refining your strategy to maximize your earnings while keeping your listeners happy.

11 Effective Tips to Monetize Your Podcast

Once the time is right and you’ve gotten your brand to a strong place, with listeners that are loyal and engaged, it’s time for the next step. The real magic is in choosing strategies that match your audience and content. Here are some tips to help you get started with monetization as a podcaster:

1. Brand Partnerships and Sponsorships

In contrast to ads, sponsorships are more often a long-term commitment. This allows you to work with a sponsor to create and distribute content that promotes the sponsor's product or service. Sponsorships can also be a valuable way to generate revenue while also building an ongoing relationship with a brand or company. To find sponsors, we recommend:

  • Sending emails to companies showing interest in partnering with them, then negotiating accordingly
  • Utilizing a platform to explore a variety of sponsorship options. Anchor Sponsorships is an easy way to do this.  

2. Offer Memberships

Creating exclusive episodes, merchandise, or content for your most loyal fans can be an effective way to monetize your podcast. Podcasters can make use of subscription-based platforms like Spotify or Apple Podcasts to offer premium content to their listeners. You can also explore Fourthwall Memberships or Patreon Memberships to connect with your fans on a deeper level.

Setting the right price for your podcast membership is crucial. Creators must make it affordable for their audience but also ensure they receive the value they're paying for. Check out how true crime podcasters Tom and Ben went on a journey to offer their I Could Murder a Podcast's listeners a better members-only experience.  

I Could Murder a Podcast's membership page

3. Sell merchandise

Selling merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or posters related to your podcast can be an excellent way to monetize your content. It’s important to choose merchandise that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand, while being high-quality and reasonably priced.

Merchandise can help creators build a loyal fanbase by giving them a tangible way to show their support. It's crucial to create merch that is relevant to the podcast's niche and appeals to the audience's interests. Check out how Santagato Studios’ comedy podcast The Basement Yard turns their podcast name and content into merchandise using Fourthwall.

the Basement Yard's merch website

4. Crowdfunding and Donations

Another way to monetize a free podcast is through crowdfunding and donations. Creators can use platforms like Fourthwall, Patreon and GoFundMe to ask their listeners for financial support. Crowdfunding campaigns give listeners the opportunity to contribute to the creation of the podcast regularly.

It's crucial to avoid alienating your audience when asking for donations. Make it clear that donations are voluntary, and provide benefits or rewards for supporters, such as access to exclusive content, merchandise, or early releases. Check out this example from's donations section of their website

5. Run Ads

Advertising is one of the most popular ways to monetize a podcast. Advertisers pay podcasters to read or display ads on their episodes; this earns the creator a fee, often based on the number of impressions or clicks on each ad.

The most common ads are host-read ads, pre-roll ads, and post-roll ads. Host-read advertisements are integrated into the podcast episode and are most typical as they offer an authentic and more genuine connection with podcast listeners. Pre-roll advertisements appear at the beginning of the episode, while post-roll ads appear at the end. These different ads also have different Cost Per Milles (CPM) which is the amount an advertiser will pay you based on you per 1000 listeners. 

Identify businesses that share the same niche and values as your podcast, and approach them with advertising opportunities. Make sure to keep ad placements engaging and interesting, so your audience doesn't feel turned off by the ads. Spotify and Podbean both offer a self-serve advertising channel to get ads set up on your podcast. Some programs, like the Audible Creator Program, allow you to do this on your own by promoting their site. 

6. Affiliate Marketing

If you find yourself frequently recommending products or services on your podcast, consider partnering with related companies to earn a commission on purchases made through your unique tracking link. You can also sell ad placements on your website or social media to extend your affiliate marketing efforts.

7. Live Shows

Live shows are a great way to engage with your listeners and monetize your podcast. You can sell tickets to your live shows, and offer exclusive merchandise or behind-the-scenes access as a reward for your most loyal fans.

Hosting a live show requires planning and coordination. You’ll need to select a location, manage the ticket sales, and prepare to show content that resonates with your listenership. The live shows also require the equipment to be high quality and the performers to be confident and engaging.

8. Public Speaking

Creators can become a paid public speaker by leveraging their podcast as a springboard. By building a loyal fanbase through their podcast, they can establish themselves as thought leaders in their niche and attract speaking gigs. 

Public speaking provides a unique opportunity to connect with your audience in person, sharing expertise and thought leadership on the same topics they cover in a podcast. It also enables artists to make money and augment their audience.

9. Online Courses and Coaching

Leverage your expertise and provide online courses or coaching to your listeners. Creators can offer coaching services directly to their listeners or team up with other experts to produce online courses that align with the podcast’s niche.

Creating an online course or coaching program involves extensive planning and research. If you choose this method, you should survey your listeners to understand content needed. The course itself needs to be engaging and interactive - consider using tools like videos, quizzes, and discussions to create an immersive experience for learners.

10. Consulting

Creators can offer consulting services to their listeners. This can be in the form of one-on-one sessions or group coaching, depending on the creator's niche and level of expertise.

Consulting requires entrepreneurs to establish a high level of trust with their audience to identify areas where they need to improve. They must also have a robust network to leverage connections for referrals. To establish credibility in a consulting business, it is crucial to have a niche, strong communication skills, and be willing to learn continuously.

11. Book Deals

Depending on your podcast topic, you may attract book deals from publishers. By creating a strong following through your podcast, you could become an attractive author candidate. A good example of this is the podcast ‘Risk!’ that was repurposed and turned into a book.

The Risk! podcast website

Take charge of your brand

Again, monetizing a podcast takes effort, patience, and consistency. You have many factors to take into account, including audience feedback and content quality. Engaging with your audience by responding to comments and messages, and being consistent with your podcast schedule is also important. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you'll be on your way to monetizing your podcast in no time.

Platforms like Fourthwall make it easy to make money doing what you love. An all-in-one platform will help you monetize through memberships, merchandise shops, and donations. Join Fourthwall today and take your creator community to the next level! Our platform is tailored to help you create a shop and memberships that your community will love. Don't wait – sign up now and get started on your podcast monetization journey!

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